Parca mai ieri eram copii, am adormit copii si ne-am trezit adulti. Copilarie, paradis al inocentei, vis nobil de iunie, ai revenit cu ale tale bucurii.
Astazi nu conteaza ce varsta avem deoarece copilul din noi s-a trezit. Alegem sa fim multumimti fara motiv, sa gasim totul in nimic, in cele din urma copilaria nu are varsta, ea apartine eternitatii.
[wp_ad_camp_1]Sa deschidem cufarul cu amintiri si sa fredonam: “E-o lume minunata in care veti gasi, numai copii/O lume cu mult soare si mii de jucarii, pentru copii/In lumea cu povesti si flori veti intalni, numai copii/Si-o lume a inocentei pastrati-o orice ar fi, pentru copii.”
Sunt convinsa ca va aduceti aminte cu drag de copilarie, perioada vietii in care totul era minunat, simplu, in care parintii depuneau toate eforturile ca sa-ti faca toate poftele, iar tu efectiv trandaveai toata ziua.
La multi ani, copile!
It’s like we were kids yesterday, we fell asleep as kids and woke up as adults. Childhood, paradise of innocence, noble dream of June, you returned with your joys.
Today it doesn’t matter how old we are because the child in us woke up. We choose to be thankful for no reason, to find everything in nothing, in the end, childhood has no age, it belongs to infinity.
Let’s open the chest with memories and hum: “It’s a wonderful world you’ll find in,
children only / A world with lots of sun and thousands of toys for children/ In the world of stories and flowers you will meet only children/ And keep a world of innocence for children. “
I’m sure you remember your childhood fondly, the time of your life when everything was wonderful, simple, in which your parents made a lot of effort to satisfy all your desires, and you just lingered all day.
Happy Birthday kid!
Este o zi insorita de primavara, natura a prins viata, avem impresia ca timpul este lent si dilatant, cand de fapt acesta trece pe langa . . .
Era o zi mohorata de martie,iar ploaia isi imprastia picaturile precum niste dansatori profesionisti ce isi etaleaza trupurile salbatice cu generozitate. Dans frenetic la inceput . . .