In orice comunitatea exista o multime de oameni infami, lipsiti de preocupari nobile, invaluiti doar de o perdea frumos brodata de ignoranta si de cele mai multe ori de neghiobie.
Trebuie sa fii de-a dreptul naiv incat sa crezi ca daca ai o atitudine ignoranta vei avea un succes garantat intr-o situatie sau alta. Orice om poate sa gaseasca in sine suficienta putere de a fi cinstit, iar daca isi doreste cu tarie un anumit lucru este bine sa ajunga in posesia acestuia prin mijloace demne.
[wp_ad_camp_1]Cea mai ridicola dorinta este de a fi pe placul tuturor. Fii tu insuti si nu-ti mai face griji cu privire la ce cred ceilalti despre tine fiindca asta este problema lor, nu a ta! Trebuie sa inveti sa-ti traiesti propria viata, nu pe a lor. Indrazneste sa gandesti dincolo de bariere si sa ai un comportament respectabil deoarece acesta este oglinda in care fiecare isi reflecta chipul. In cele din urma nu suntem nimic decat sirul faptelor noastre.
Bunatatea intotdeauna iese invingatoare indiferent de context…poate ca urmarile acesteia nu sunt imediate, dar sunt garantate. ? …alege sa fii bun cu tine! Exista fapte bune si rele, calitati si defecte, adevar si minciuna,…nu avem altceva de facut decat sa alegem unde sa ne situam.
Uneori viata cere jertfe dureroase, carora trebuie sa li te supui, dar cu toate acestea tot viata contureaza tonurile pastelate sau cenusii ale viitorului…
Pe curand,
A vostra, R!
In any community there are a lot of infamous people, devoid of noble preoccupations, surrounded only by a curtain beautifully embroidered with ignorance and often foolishness.
You have to be really naive to believe that if you have an ignorant attitude you will have a guaranteed success in one situation or another. Anyone can find in himself enough strength to be honest, and if he strongly wants a certain thing, it is good to get in his possession by dignified means.
The most ridiculous desire is to please everyone. Be yourself and don’t worry about what others think of you because that’s their problem, not yours! You have to learn to live your own life, not theirs. Dare to think beyond barriers and behave respectfully because this is the mirror in which everyone reflects themselves. In the end, we are nothing but a series of deeds.
Kindness always wins no matter of the context… its consequences may not be immediate, but they are guaranteed. ?… choose to be good to yourself! There are good and bad deeds, qualities and defects, truth and lies… we have nothing to do but find where to stand.
Sometimes life demands painful sacrifices, to which you must obey, but nevertheless all life outlines the pastel or gray tones of the future…
See you,
Yours, R!
Este o zi insorita de primavara, natura a prins viata, avem impresia ca timpul este lent si dilatant, cand de fapt acesta trece pe langa . . .
Era o zi mohorata de martie,iar ploaia isi imprastia picaturile precum niste dansatori profesionisti ce isi etaleaza trupurile salbatice cu generozitate. Dans frenetic la inceput . . .